Friday, May 11, 2007

Brain fog. It seems to be a permanent condition with me.  I went to a doctor's appointment (the only kind of interview I get anymore) and sounded as if I didn't know what was going on--sounded like an Alzheimer's patient, I'm certain of it.

On my job searching... I got another letter.  "We chose someone else, usually because of better qualifications than you have."  I was stunned. I am not even qualified for a lousy HR clerk job ("HR support assistant") !! 

So, I've determined that I am unemployable (my psyche may not be able to take many more rejection letters).  I've applied nearly every day for 6 months and have not even received a phone call or e-mail for one single interview.  I quit. Scott will just have to go back to Boeing.  I think he's seriously considering after, after one rejection--the company in New Zealand--and no return calls from Dream Works or Sony or wherever else he's applied.  He got so down after that one rejection; then I realized he has never been rejected for a job in his life.  That's what happens when you stay at the same company for 15 years.

I don't really care where he works, but going to Disney or Dream Works means 80 miles a day, which is 20 miles/gallon, which means $8/day just to get to work and back--$40/wk, $160/ it's wear and tear on him. Sometimes he'd come home and be in the cruddiest mood--barely talking to us, being not nice to the girls when they were just happy to see him. 

Ok, now for more of my own personal "May Madness." First, my car cost me $270 for TWO tires. It seems that my year of Honda Odyssey can only take one kind of tire for whatever reason.  The good news was they usually cost $150 each. But my friendly gas station owner/mechanic that I've found matched Costco's price at $112 each.  But still.

Then, as I wrote above, I had another doc's visit...this time with an ortho guy--a hand specialist.  Yes, I need surgery in both wrists. I sure hope it works.  Only that means I won't sew, do computer stuff or do my needlepoint for a very long time. I have already lessened my computer use, believe it or not. But the sewing...I don't know if I can do without that.  So, in late June or early July, I'll have my left hand done--it's in the worst condition--and after that, my right one.  It will be iffy about timing and our insurance. We have it until the end of September, and it may be a 3-month waiting time between surgeries.

See? I'm unemployable.

Good things: the girls are doing great! Em is a Girl Scout Daisy and loving it; we're planning her b'day party with the Daisies, the soccer team and the t-ball team and their families. Not at my house, oh, no. At a big park that provides bounce houses and a little train ride, plus the picnic area in the shade.  All for a mere "pittance" of $250.

Money is really on my mind, can you tell? 8^)  $250 for one thing, $250 for another--$350 for Sarah's Horse camp this summer (which we registered her for very early in the year, so didn't know of our upcoming financial stress).  Pretty soon, you're talking real money! (kidding--$250 is very real money to me).  We've committed to camping - camping--for a week, and it will cost $1000! That's because my husband doesn't believe in tent camping. He has to rent an RV.

You know what? He'd better go back to Boeing!

Today, I'm "catering" a lunch for the girls' school staff. That's a pretty penny, but I'll get reimbursed by the PTA for that.  I have a bunch of Mexican decorations--sombreros, chili pepper lights and confetti, table decorations, etc.  It ought to be very bright and festive.  I hope the food is good.  I'm not cooking it, so it ought to be. 

I need to go...gotta dress and get ready for this luncheon. I still need to get to Costco for flowers, and I think I've decided to make coffee, too, so I need to go dust off the big coffee maker.

Oh—lest I forget—thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts…that fire in Griffith Park was doused in no time! Fire Fighters did a great job there. Now our dear sweet island of Catalina ("26 miles across the sea—Santa Catalina is waiting for me…") is on fire. It's very close to structures, and has engulfed one home so far, but fire fighters are doing a great job of keeping it from the little town of Avalon.

Like I said—fire season is here early this year.

Thanks for reading…



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