Tuesday, May 08, 2007


First of all, the area where I live is fine.  Hot, but fine.

Some of our most dear, beautiful, priceless land is on fire.  Griffith Park, locally known for beautiful neighborhoods, including one of Frank Lloyd Wright's homes, bridle trails, walking/hiking trails, the LA Zoo, and just general beauty is burning to the ground tonight. 

Southern California is having its worst drought in more than 30 years.  Today the heat got up to 100 degrees and that was near the coast. Griffith Park is inland about 15-20 miles from the ocean breezes, and was even hotter.  I remember a very bad drought when I was about 10 or 12 years old. There were fires all around us. It felt as if we were in the center of a desert fire pit.  We could actually see a circle of flames.  We were leaving on vacation at the time, and nearly didn't get through the fire ares.  I remember crying a little as "my" mountains burnt so wildly.

The neighborhoods have been evacuated, including (I think) dear friends of ours who just finished refurbishing and modernizing their 75 year old home up in those hills. 

It's scary--we have these fires to the west of us, and other fires in Yorba Linda/Anaheim Hills about 10 miles east of us. 

Our area is not in danger; don't worry about us. But many of our friends may become homeless over this. 

It's good to know where the un-replaceable things in the house are, and make sure they are easily reached in case you have to leave in a hurry.

Hmm...it's May, isn't.  This is how bad our drought is.  Our "red flag" warnings (all fire department crews on 24/7 call, no vacation leaves, all volunteer fire departments at the ready), usually don't start until September.  We've been in a constant red flag situation since April.

Give California a good thought, would you?


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