Friday, September 28, 2007

What I did throughout September so Far


School started for the kidlets!! First grade for Emily and Fifth grade for Sarah! I hear people saying all the time, "I can't believe how fast these kids grow up" and don't really see it, but now that I'm a parent, I understand first hand!

They both love their teachers; I completed several hundreds of forms; they were all ready early on the first day and just as cute as can be. Of course, their photographer mom did not get pictures. Oh well. We'll get school pictures in a couple of weeks. I always buy the package, then procrastinate about sending them to people, so I don't know who will or will not get their most recent pictures this next time.

Emily started piano lessons—she just thrills that she knows some notes now and loves to practice!

I've been on several interviews this month. Some interviews were for the City of Cypress, where I live, and a few for Cal State University at Long Beach. I interviewed three times for the same position in the Extension Services part of the University. I may have sent you my detailed dilemma asking for your advice on the subject.

The school offered me the position, at the highest salary in the range, and it does sound very interesting.

Meanwhile, we gave Sarah her own bedroom. I have had it with that d**n playroom! It exists no more. It now very nicely performs the function of being her bedroom. She is happy; Emily is very happy; there is peace once more in the Mankey Kingdom. However, the garage still looks like the latest junk sale location, and there are finishing touches needed. Next week my assignment is to get as much of that done as possible.

The girls again have way too much to do. Soccer for both, piano for both, Academic Chess for both, Girl Scouts for both, band for Sarah. I don't have time for a job!

My, oh my, I have written quite a lot tonight, haven't I.

More another time, I guess.


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