Saturday, June 19, 2004

Here I Sit

What a beautiful day in this place. Here I sit at the dining room table at NMNB&G's house, at the window that overlooks a gorgeous valley with forest for miles, and an occasional house popping out of the trees. Fresh sunflowers at the table, charming country home next door, The now famous veranda where we can watch the cat sleep, watch the rain, read, do sewing, drink coffee (or champagne, as it was last night) and just enjoy peaceful moments of this life.

This is a perfect place for K (NMNB takes too long to type). I think the environment here, and her son's happiness at the relative freedom he has compared with living in the city, help her have a great deal of peace of mind.

You see, this trip was not just a frivolous trip to attend a wedding and party. My friend, my virtual sister, my most gracious host, is seriously ill. The "C" word disease, at a very bad stage, and not easily dealt with as far as a cure. She has already undergone 3 rounds of chemo, and has begun radiation therapy. She gets treatments at the best cancer center in Norway, and she has a great attitude, and I keep thinking she will beat it, primarily because of this.

However, I don't know if I could have the wonderful philosophy about it that she has if I had cancer. She is so calm, so gracious, such a beautiful person, and has reassured everyone around her who is so afraid of losing her--it astonishes all of us who get the privilege of knowing her that she is the one comforting us, when we want to comfort her.

I do think this countryside where she lives is the place she ought to be. Just a few days have helped my spirit immensely. I'll have to try to empty my head about all that some other time. Right now, it's time to look at some pictures with my Norwegian tour guide K.


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