Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Twelfth of May

Today would have been my parents' 48th wedding anniversary. Except two years ago yesterday we buried my mother. Today I visited my mother's grave. By myself. I didn't want distrations from my children to either enhance or detract from my visit.

I found the headstone, the pretty one with a beach and palm trees engraved onto it, and thought about talking to my mom. Then I wondered why people visit graves.

Pragmatically, if the people don't believe in the afterlife, then they are visiting the decomposing remains of their loved one. That wouldn't be a pleasant thought. Does it just emotionally help a person grieving to visit the person's final resting place?

If the grieving believe in an afterlife, then really, would this be the best place to visit? Wouldn't that person's spirit rather be somewhere else? My mom wouldn't be anywhere near a cemetary, that's for certain. She'd be somewhere having fun--finding her old friends who left this earth before her, watching her grandchildren and their activities, something, anything but hanging around with a bunch of dead people's graves.

So, I decided I probably will not visit this place again. Makes me wonder why we spent so much on a headstone, but it is an outward sign of our love and appreciation for her. I'm just glad that during her last few years with us she did finally know that we loved her no matter what, and that we were able to give her the happiness she found in her grandchildren.


At 13/5/05 04:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you believe I still haven't been to my mom's grave?? I was there the day they put her there 8 1/2 years ago. I don't need to return. "She" isn't there. "She" lives in me and sometimes that little one of mine. My dad does NOT understand.

At 13/5/05 08:19, Blogger Bookhorde said...

I haven't visited my parents' or my brother's grave in so long.
And yet I do think there is value in visiting; maybe we return to mother earth, maybe our spirit lingers there. I've read that my ancestors belived a part of the soul went "elsewhere", a part lingered in haunts, a part remains with the family, looking after them.

At 15/5/05 14:43, Blogger gemmak said...

As eyt no one very close to me has been buried, they have all been cremated so I havn't had this experience but I can understand completely where you are comong from. Those we lose live on in our hearts and minds, not in a burial plot.


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