Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wish Me Luck Again, Please

Last night, I knew it was too much to ask to go to sleep early. I actually got into bed and was asleep before 10:pm. Scott called me for help at around 11. He had sort of fallen and broken the tank of our toilet in the girls' bathroom. Water flooded everywhere.

We soaked it all into some old towels; he did most of the soaking, I just re-supplied and kept the hallway carpet from getting more flooded. We knew we were looking at a huge plumber's bill.

The wish me luck part comes from me going to our local hardware warehouse--that orange and beige one--buying a new toilet, and planning to install it myself. I hope I can do it; I have instructions and tools, and yes, the wax ring for the bottom. I have never taken on such a task, but if it saves us a few hundred dollars, and works, too, I'll be very happy. And, we won't have to wait for the plumber to show.

So, wish me luck!


At 5/5/05 04:07, Blogger dsimom said...

Good luck. I have never installed a toilet, but they make it look so easy on HGTV. Although they are also very heavy.

So when you are done and successfull, will you come replace one of mine?


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