Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

This week for my family ought to have it's own book!

The last three days have been quite busy, as I imagine they have for everyone...

We planned to leave this afternoon to go to Lake Cachuma, near Solvang, California, to camp for the four days of Thanksgiving weekend with about 20 other people, including four families of four, and a few grandparents.

I had it all planned out so organized, the house was clean, the kids were actually getting along, it was going to be ok...that was last weekend, though.

My father lost a few teeth, and a few others broke, leaving sharp stubs in his mouth. I had no idea how significant this was, and made an appointment for the dentist on Monday (21st). When we got there, we had to make another appointment for next Tuesday to have the broken teeth pulled, with antibiotics, and all that. Poor Poppy...he has only a very few teeth left, and he's (again) lost his lower partial. We've discussed dentures, but since he's lost his partials a few times (I think three times now), we're afraid he'll lose these, too, at a much greater price than the dentures. Poor Poppy again, he doesn't know that we are going on a trip yet.

Oh yes, back to the trip. Packing yesterday, cooking started last night, I was up until nearly 2:am this morning...oh wait. I must go back to Monday night.

After spending the afternoon with Poppy, taking him with us to Target to shop for our trip, I decided to get him some soup at a local coffee shop...the girls and I had not eaten for quite awhile, and we were tired and was a good decision. Took him home, got the girls to bed, and continued my preparations for the trip. At 1:45 AM, Sarah came into my bedroom (Emily had jumped into bed with me earlier...I hadn't noticed this until Sarah came in. Sarah had a bad bloody nose. It was nearly hemorrhaging...and lasted nearly 45 minutes. It finally dried up, and she finally got to go to sleep.

Scott had got up and carried Emily to her bed, where she began to cry and came out to the family room to find me. She fell asleep in my lap, while I sat on the floor trying to comfort and help Sarah.

We all finally got to sleep; thankfully Scott didn't wake us until he left for work at 8:00...

Emily got up first, then I did. Then we started preparations for the trip...laundry, suitcases, cleaning house, etc. Sarah got up and helped my by entertaining Emily for awhile. I heard her crying, and yes, Emily had head butted Sarah, causing the nose to begin bleeding again. It bled off and on for most of the day. I called the doctor who said if it began to bleed again to take her to ER...but if it didn't, she still wanted to see Sarah "tomorrow" (today).

Scott decided to not go in to work today, so we could get the RV rented, and be on our way...

I cooked, packed, cooked some more, and we got the RV, then it was time for Sarah's doctor appointment. Got there before 2:pm, thinking we'd be out no later than 3:00. Boy was I wrong! At 4:35 we finally left, after the doc cauterized Sarah's nose and packed it, and having to return to the exam. room so the doc could add gauze and tape (very attractive, btw) because Sarah's nose was "oozing" as the doc put it.

She and I had not eaten since breakfast, when we both realized Sarah had not even eaten breakfast! I let her get some Oreos (bad mommy!!), and we then went to the drugstore for the prescription (she also has a sinus infection). We walked around waiting for the prescription to get filled, and found a way to spend lots of money in the process.

However they did not have the film I needed, and I remembered I was supposed to get special disposable pans that fit in the RV I dropped her at home and went on to the market. Got my film and pans and came home.

So we had to greatly disappoint both of our girls (as well as our selves) and make the parental decision to put off the trip until tomorrow morning.

While it's good to have some extra time to make sure we have everything for the trip, it's also disappointing that we won't wake up at the beautiful lake and forest tomorrow morning. It's so peaceful and gorgeous up there that I am anxious to get there and relax for a few days.

I haven't updated my blog in awhile, so this (verbatim) is going into the blog, but I thought if I wrote it to the list, I could then cut and paste it to my blog and sort of "kill two birds with one stone."

This Thanksgiving, I must mention that I am thankful, so very thankful to have all of you as great friends, and certain family members who read this blog and therefore know who you are, especially during this last year. You have sustained my faith in humans, and have been such terrific friends. Even better than most in my own physical family!

With all that written, I hope everyone has a great, happy, filling, relaxing, healthy Thanksgiving! (except for the Brits and Canadians...however I do hope all of you have a great, happy, filling, relaxing and healthy weekend! :-)

Now I'm very tired, but I have a few things to do before I can relax, but relax I will! We'll get the RV packed, and then tomorrow am we can just jump into it to start our trip!

Wish us luck!


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