Thursday, January 26, 2006

Reality Check time moves on regardless of our desire

Reality Check—time moves on, regardless of our desire

As the girls go through their stuffed animals to see what they can live without, I sit down and go through Sarah’s papers from school.  I got a shock when I reached the flyer advertising kindergarten registration for next fall’s semester.  

I realized as in a reality check realization, that my youngest, beautiful little baby of mine will definitely be old enough to enter kindergarten, or as everyone we know calls it, “real school.”  It sort of made my heart drop to have to acknowledge that both of my children will be in elementary school; it also however dropped at the thought that my Emily is growing in spite of me telling her often to not grow up.

I may not be making sense, but I don’t want her to attend kindergarten. Or first grade, or second… All those external influences on her sparkling personality, all those things she’ll learn from other kids, all those expressions she hasn’t learned yet even though she has an older sister. It will be hard to “send her to the wolves” of influence for 3-1/2 hours, five days per week.

Plus, it will be a very long time before grandchildren (if we’re lucky).


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