Friday, January 06, 2006

Meme--Friday Five

lifted from Karen's page...

Friday's Feast

By Karen

Appetizer: Have you ever seen a ghost or an angel?
I think I have. Odd, because i don't believe in them.

Soup: What is your favorite board game?


Salad: What was the last movie you saw that made you cry?

Wit--Emma Thompson (2001) made for TV...just saw it a few months ago. Cried like a baby. Too many memories and thoughts of my good friend the Norwegian Goddess, plus, it was good. Really very good. And Emma Thompson made me believe it was she who had the cancer.

Main Course: What would you do if you had 3 months off from your job? (I consider staying at home raising my two children, and attempting to manage the household my full-time job.)

Sit every day reading for hours on a white-sanded beach...walk two or three miles every day...shoot at least 40 frames of photographs each the piano more often. And drink wicked tropical drinks. Often and a lot. And sleep as much as I want, when I want.

Dessert: What kind of shoes are you wearing today?

None at this moment, but earlier I wore my ballerina flats from Land's End. The black ones.


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