Thursday, February 23, 2006


Here’s the thing

Well, I’ve been told some things regarding my father’s health and care that have me in quite the tizzy.

All this week, we’ve (read: I’ve) been trying to get the hospital to keep Poppy for the weekend and release him on Monday, instead of this Friday (yes, tomorrow).

But no, Medicare will not pay for his care in a hospital (acute care) when he only needs custodial care (skilled nursing).  His skilled nursing benefits have got to their limit as far as Medicare payments go.  I’ve tried to see what other routes I can take, but we may have to apply to MediCal (MedicAid for some of you) for his board and care.

Now the piece of information that burns me (and the above doesn’t, really, it just annoys me), is this:  Poppy now needs extended physical therapy in order to keep his muscles from atrophying and to attempt to get some use back into his left arm and leg.  However, Medicare, after getting approved for MediCal, will only pay for a maximum of 3 days/week for physical therapy.  In order for Medicare benefits to kick in again, he has to stay out of a hospital or skilled nursing facility for sixty consecutive days.

At his age, and in his condition, this just won’t happen.  It makes me so very sad. My mother didn’t want this. She thought she left him enough to have some kind of comfortable living situation.  She did, but if we get MediCal for his room and board at the skilled nursing, not only will his Medicare benefits get reduced (from “part A” to “part B” ???), any of his income, less $35/month will be used as his portion of the room and board at the skilled nursing.  Plus, he needs to “spend down” any savings he has left, and can only have less than $2000 in total assets.

I’m so tired of this.

Please, please, if you are nearing 50 or 60, and in somewhat good health, please buy “long term health insurance.”  GE has a good policy. Not that I’m a GE sales person, by any means, but it seemed to be a great deal.  Yes, a year’s premium might be upwards from $3500 per year, but as I found out yesterday, it will still take 2 years at that rate to pay for 1 month’s rent at a skilled nursing facility.  


At 24/2/06 12:07, Blogger Bookhorde said...



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