Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ten on Tuesday

I have some things to post but they will have to wait. Lots of things happening here in our own little 3-bedroom Mankey Kingdom, but I'll post that another time. Plus, come back and read my review of a fabulous book I just finished. Well, I finished it a couple of weeks ago, but have been thinking about it ever since, and that is a good book in my opinion.


Anyway, Last Tuesday's 10 on Tuesday was to come up with 10 occupations I wanted to do when I was young It was too interesting to me to let it completely go unanswered.


  1. Doctor
  2. Nurse
  3. Pilot
  4. Astronaut
  5. Teacher
  6. Super Power
  7. Waitress
  8. Minister (boy has that one changed!)
  9. Professional skier
  10. Professional tennis player



This week's 10 on Tuesday instructs readers to come up with 10 brags about myself. This one may be more challenging for me.



  1. I have nice eyes
  2. I'm compassionate,
  3. Generous,
  4. Patient,
  5. Loving
  6. Humorous,
  7. A gentle touch
  8. Can fix most toys
  9. Volunteer for several organizations (mostly kid-related)
  10. And last, I'm a great cook and party thrower!


At 12/6/07 09:37, Blogger Crimson Wife said...

Great list! I envy you #8. My kids' broken toys have to wait for Daddy to come home & if Daddy can't fix them, they're forced to wait for Pop-Pop or Grandpa to do it!

BTW your link on the 10oT comments is broken.


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