Sunday, January 11, 2009

To Update – A Little

I caught everyone's respiratory yuck thing last weekend--thank you Emily and Scott--was ok for most of the week, then Santa Ana winds came up and my sinuses had to yell....then yesterday, a precious little baby bladder infection joined the party.  Fever of 102.4 last night, It was the week of getting back to normal, going to the gym for my swim classes, throwing out 30 things a day, eating right--more veggies, less starch, less bad protein.  

The eating went well at least till yesterday.  I haven't been to a Weight Watchers' meeting for a couple of months now. I wanted to go yesterday; had it all planned out to go, then felt like crap and didn't even get out of bed until 11:am.

Interestingly enough, about a month ago, we heard from our mortgage loan guy who said interest rates had decreased enough to make a difference in our mortgage payments.  We started the paperwork rolling, and in the course of the conversation, I learned they need office help.  He sounded interested in having me join them and gave me the contact information for the agent they use. 

So, I dutifully sent out an email with my resume.  Got an email from him, a phone call from the agent and an email from the corporate office of the agent, all on the same morning.  Thursday I took their tests and completed their paperwork. Friday I met with the loan guy, and his operations director, plus the funding officer...and they want me to start tomorrow (Monday).  They were nearly apologetic when they told me it was only part time, 9:-1:00, but that's perfect for me. It's close to home, I'll be home when the girls are home, and should still have time to take care of a few project at home during daylight hours.

I just hope that tomorrow my body will cooperate with the needs of the mortage company and I'll be able to perform well enough for them to keep me.  My hair hurts! 

To catch you up with the health insurance saga...Costco/Pacificare turned us down because evidentally Scott has some kind of heart thing that neither of us knew about, plus a buldging disk in my back and chronic back pain that I haven't heard about either.

I have arthritis in my neck, and a disk is degenerating, but that's not a bulge, nor is it in my back.  Do you think I have a way of appealing? Is it worth it?

We're still waiting for an underwriter's decision on getting Aetna. I may go without insurance and just cover the girls & Scott.  But when I"m sick, like today, I want to go to my doctor with my no-copay, get my $15 copay prescription and get better. I guess I'll have to learn to live more like my old good friend Dianne...get sick, work through it and get somewhat better.  Or, maybe someone one day will go up to Scott, say, "we changed your badge, now you are a bonafide Boeing employee" an we'll get their fabulous insurance. Ha.

At least I'll have a little income for awhile, and the mortage payment will be going down, so that will be close to a $1200 increase in income per month if I look at it correctly.  Let's hope we spend it wisely.  It means maybe in a few months we'll get our shower fixed!  Or maybe the hole in the side of the house.  Or maybe a new front door--the one we have has a hole in it on the inside of the house...and is really no protection from the outside elements, whether hot or cold. Or ....the joys of home ownership, eh? 


At 18/1/09 13:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH! New job just as you would have ordered! Here's to feeling better tomorrow!



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