Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just one more thing…

Well, I did say I hoped to be back soon, didn't I?

I just came back to pay homage to my mother, who was and still is the champion of my lifetime and passed away 5 years ago May 4th. She was such a good soul, and when sometimes I hear my mom's voice and words coming out of me I don't mind—it's a way for my heart to keep her alive. That's another thing about Emily—she is so much like my mom. Always cracking jokes with that sparkle in her eyes. I love seeing parts of my parents' ways in my daughters.

I still want to phone my mom for the events in my life. Every morning I still want to dial her number and chat. What I do now is, see her in lots of things in my daily life—there are two turtledoves who stay near our home, and my mom loved their little coo-ing, so I sometimes feel her (and my dad's) presence when I see these two hanging around us. It still hurts, but my memories and having her in my heart forever helps very much. Plus, sometimes I want to write in my blog as if it's a letter to her, hoping that when the words travel through the virtual world, perhaps she's out there somewhere and will receive the message.

That's all. Love you, Mom.


At 20/5/08 05:32, Blogger dsimom said...

A letter to your mom on your blog sounds great.



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