Friday, February 22, 2008

I’m not Dead--Yet


No, that doesn't read "I'm not dead—Pet" it's "I'm not Dead—YET."

I guess you haven't heard from me since the Eye Situation. Several other situations have surfaced for air, and so once again, it's time to write.

First, my left eye continues to heal. I still drop antibiotics into it, but only once or twice each day, instead of every two hours as I did at first. There seems to be no serious damage to my cornea or my iris; my radial keratotomy
scars seem to be the issue now. We just have to get it to grow some skin over the scar that's causing this trouble and then we'll be safe for awhile. If you happen to like reading medical journals then here is one that may interest you. The symptoms presented by the case study (patient) are exactly my symptoms when I first noticed something wrong with my eye.

Now, in addition to the eye thing, I may have mentioned my left foot (am I losing my left side, piece by piece?) and it's lump. The lump gave me great pain; so much so that I began to use my mom's old cane to walk around. Not often, but enough to keep it in the car in case I needed it. It turns out I had a plantar's wart that was deeply rooted around a nerve in my heel. After six weeks of treatment, the lump is gone, and I can walk without pain. Yippee!! You'd think I'd get out there and walk the dog more often. Well, no. Not me. Not yet.

All seems good right now. The girls continue to do well in school—really well in fact. Sarah as I mentioned before, is involved with too many activities. She has decided to let one go. Girl Scouts. Her father and I have decided she needs to finish out this year, and finish her bronze award first. Then and only then can she consider that option. We've already put a deposit on her Girl Scout summer camp—which she was really looking forward to doing. So, we'll see how Girl Scouts in September looks after camp.

So my working life left me; I got fired by the Girl Scout team leader, a friend decided in writing to not want my friendship anymore (that one really did surprise me); my own husband told me there is nothing left about me to care for. I don't feel as if I'm a wonderful person anymore. We've decided to attend some kind of marriage counseling at least. I think things may be improving, but I don't know. It may be too soon to know.

The car still runs; the house hasn't blown down or drowned yet; my plants and flowers look beautiful, and I have a terrific support system through my uncle & aunt, my cousin & his wife, my friends and my other 3 readers.

Going back into my cave now for awhile,






At 22/2/08 15:34, Blogger Unknown said...

Boy, when the crap hits the fan it's not just a drop or two is it? That really is a lot of stuff all at once. I'm sorry things are so rough right now.

At 23/2/08 18:51, Blogger dsimom said...

What the f----?

What's with DH?

You have more than three readers. They just don't read every day.

At 25/2/08 10:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Honey!! You are wonderful!


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