Thursday, August 26, 2004

An Old Meme--Three things

(I'm behind)

Three Things--I like things in threes...I have a difficult time picking just one favorite.

Name three salad dressings that you like?
Rouquefort (or Bleu Cheese),
my home made rice vinegar and olive oil,
chunky tomato vinagrette from Mimi's Cafe

Name three vegetable's that you like?
tomatoes (there appears to be controversy as to whether or not tomatoes are a fruit or a veggie)
fresh green beans
home grown broccolli

Name three TV shows that you like?
Mission Organization
West Wing

Name three things that you collect?
coffee mugs

Name three songs that you like?
Oh dear, this is too hard (no, silly, that's not a song title):
Jolie Blonde
Babylon Sisters
Water Music, Handel


At 27/8/04 02:26, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the veggie vs fruit post ;-)

Isn't it great though? We never have to nag the kids about eating their vegetables again -- we can just tell them it's all fruits! *grin*



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