Friday, April 15, 2005

They’re Half Off!!

The saying, "be careful of what you wish for, you might get it," is so true!

My orthodontist promised me I wouldn't have braces for my birthday and my
vacation (starting tomorrow, 4/16), and I held him to his promise.

He wasn't truly satisfied with my teeth, but took off the top row (YIPPEE!).

Then, he ordered the retainer!! I tried it on yesterday, and I've kept it on, like I promised my ortho, but now, I shpeak witsh a lishp! I wonder if I'll ever get youshed to ith.

If my teethsh cooperate withsh the retainer, I won't have to get the brasches reapplied to my mouthsh. However, doc kept the bracsches on the wire jusht in cashe. Blimy.

At leashst I get to thake the retainer off when I eath. I wonder how I'll do schpeaking French with a lishp (or izh it a lazshy


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