Wednesday, March 09, 2005

What’s on Your Wish List?

This isn't an original thought, but one that makes me ponder (and go, "hmm...") I read about doing this in either Family Circle or Woman's Day magazine.

The question is what is on your wish list. Not your list for Christmas, birthdays, or anniversaries, but on your list of things you want to do in your lifetime. This list would include the Big Things that you've dreamed about doing.

I'm greatly interested in what your dreams/wishes are. Do you aspire to climb K2 in the Urals? Sky dive? Write the next best American Novel, even if you're not American?

The article I read mentioned that it would be something to seriously think about. As it was in February's issue, plus I read it several times to let the concept sink into my feeble brain, I have thought quite a lot about it. I had to dig deep into some of the crevices in the banks of my memory river, since so many day to day events have gotten in my way.

Awhile ago, a voice-over coach gave us the assignment to find an ad that represented our passion. I looked through probably 15 magazines to find something that really excited me, and I found nothing. At that time, I felt that my passions had been verbally beaten out of me, or just left me due to neglect. I ended up using an ad for women's underwear just because I couldn't find anything that symbolized passion for me. The only thing I have since been able to think of that would get me excited was flying and airplanes. I do love airplanes, and the noise alone is enough to get me to fantasize wildly about where I could go if I could fly.

Here's my list:

Pilot an airplane
Go on Safari in
Spend a month in
Tahiti--or traveling around in that area
Make a difference to a charity
be in a position to fly somewhere to help someone/country in need
get my master's degree
get my bachelor's degree (I get to check off one!)
Own a small bake shop
Own a small restaurant (either Mama Julia's or My Father's Place)
Skydive on my 80th b'day (heck, I'll be dead soon anyway, right?), and yes,
Write a novel.

That really is my short list. Other things in my head are more selfish so I won't continue.

So, what's on your wish list? I welcome your thoughts!


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