Monday, August 28, 2006

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

Hi everyone--

Just a note to say I'm home, unpacked and the 100's of loads of laundry have been started. I took the girls camping at Big Sur, with two other families...I slept in a tent for a week, started my own campfires, and even assembled my cooking grill! I was pretty proud of myself.

We came home stinky and tired, but very happy. It was a gorgeous trip and the girls had fun with their friends. Scott did not go since he had to work...but we made the best of it.

Came home to a messy house, lots of laundry, dishes, yada yada, and don't feel too well...may write about all that later.

I need to have a neuropsych test done, and maybe some scans of some sort. Plus, I just feel yucky a lot lately. I thought the gall bladder thing would make it all better, but somehow things got even worse.

Not to worry, the tests are just confirmation that nothing's wrong...I think some of my emotions are catching up with my mind, and it's made me not feel too much like communicating with my bestest of friends--this list, even.

Sorry, and I've read the school stuff going on with the stink-face teachers, and the kidlets starting school. I feel for you, and I get to start in on it next Tuesday. Yippee for me. I wonder where they will put my children, and how much fun it will be knowing I have no say in which classes my daughters attend.

But then, I'm catering the teachers' breakfast this Friday, so if I do that well, the teachers will like me and be good to my children. I can hope, right?

We have other ills in the family, my friend Dianne's son Kelsey still is not out of the woods after being accidentally kicked in the face--five fractures plus his nose is broken, and his parents are having a lot of difficulty finding a team of docs to help him recovery adequately. He's starting to heal, and needs some treatment, because he's not healing well. He'll need plastic surgery, too.

Scott's two aunties are now was in heart surgery and stroked out during surgery. She's now at home and getting physical therapy, but she's got a long way to go. The other, closer to us, had trouble breathing, ended up in ER, had some tests, has two spots of lung cancer and a type of pleurisy. She's very weak, and the docs and family don't expect her to live very long. I don't know, though, we visited with her yesterday, and though she is truly unwell and weak, she still had clarity in her eyes, and her great sense of humor. She was the first one in Scott's family to make me feel welcome into their "clan."

It sure sucks to face losing so many family members at one time again.

So you may or may not hear from me...but know that I think of all of you very often. I'm just caught up in my own little circle of dust and trying to sweep/crawl/scratch my way out so I can see daylight.

Thanks for reading if you did. Things will get better soon. I'll have mornings to myself for awhile!


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