Saturday, December 30, 2006

Another Poll--Resolutions?

I'm going to list mine; I hope you respond here with yours. Notice I am not resolving to lose weight. That resolution never works for me. I didn't make that one last year, and I lost 25 lbs or so. I think I'll do it the same way this year. The following are the resolutions I intend to keep:

1. Write notes to people (and mail them). Follow through on those "I ought to write so-and-so" thoughts.

2. Send Thank You's on time (like the ones for the millions of Christmas gifts we received a week ag0).

3. Spend more play time with my daughters.

4. Do the house organization while the daughters are at school so there is more avialable play time after school.

5. Pay our bills on time.

6. I will finish the de-cluttering of my house and my garage, even if it takes tossing things I once thought irreplaceable.

7. I will act more completely in my volunteer positions.

8. Whittle my paperwork (Maybe I'll do that today instead).

9. Read all the books on my list. (what are the books on your list?)

10. Actually mail all those Christmas presents for my dear friends and family who live out of driving range. (ok, I'll do that next week).

What are yours?


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