Sunday, June 17, 2007

A nasty Dream


We've had a great weekend--Sarah, Emily and I went on a Girl Scout excursion all day yesterday.  We took a train to the 4th California Mission, San Juan Capistrano, took a guided tour of the whole place and wandered around.  We ate at Ruby's Diner--a hamburger joint somewhat like Johnny Rockets, but less expensive, played tag at a park (yes the grownups played too).  We went on a treasure hunt back at the mission, and toured the old pueblo town across the rr tracks.  Then we took the train back home.  Some of us went to dinner together at a pretty good coffee shop on the way home.    All in all, we were gone from home about 14 hours.  Scott had a pretty good day himself, getting the house to himself to do whatever he wanted (early Father's Day gift?).

I went to bed early.  I awake from an awful dream at 3:30, and now I can't sleep.  The dream was that I group of us, families, went to the beach to see some unusual waves.  The kids played in the shallow part, and the adults sat pretty close to the shore to watch the kids and the waves.  Suddenly, the water receded from the shore, very fast, and very far, which usually means a bigger than normal wave.  Sure enough we all looked out to see and a HUGE Monstrous wave was coming. I stood up...Sarah was sitting with us, but Emily had been playing "tag" with the surf--letting it chase her, then chasing it back. I couldn't see her and started walking across the beach to find her. When the wave crashed seconds later, she was nowhere to be found.  I called her name until I couldn't talk anymore. I went out on the breakwater and still couldn't see her, on the beach or in the water. The water was calm now, shallow--hardly any waves at all. I walked further along the beach still calling her name and I saw a board, already with three or four pictures of people on it and "Have You Seen Me?" notes tacked on to it.  I didn't know what to do--go find the school picture in my wallet that I carry around or go home and get a bigger one......I walked around calling her name as loudly as a I could; then I awoke (I'm thinking I probably was so intense, I woke myself).

Now I can't sleep. 

I've always had fears that Emily would be taken from me somehow.  This was an awful terrible nightmare.  I thought maybe if I wrote about it, I could let it go, and maybe sleep. It's going to be a busy day today trying to go out and find what Scott wants for Fathers' Day, and figuring out how to wrap things before he sees them.  This Father's day came upon us without a thing except one card. 


Yuck. What a dream.


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