Tuesday, August 21, 2007

10 Things You Don't Like About Your Job

Well—right now, I'm a stay at home mom…so, it's a challenge to come up with 10. But here are the things I like the least about my job:


  1. Continually picking up after everybody else
  2. Dishes—I don't mind washing them so much—it's putting them away that, well, just say I wish that a mechanism could be invented to wash, dry and store the dishes all in one fell swoop.
  3. Dusting. It's the one job that I feel is never complete. I can dust the whole house and by the time I've done it, my starting place is already dusty again.\
  4. Cleaning my patio. It's enclosed but the wind and dirt come in, especially when the gardener blows the dirt around in the back yard.
  5. Laundry. It is never done, no matter what. It's unappreciated, too. Plus, the stains, marker marks, and food get harder and harder for me to remove from the fabrics.
  6. Clutter.
  7. Maintenance of the house—stucco, paint, flooring—I just want it to regenerate and update itself automatically.
  8. The number at the end of the electric bills.
  9. Filing
  10. Coupons—I like the money they save; I don't like the time it takes to go through them, then finding out the I only have coupons for food/items our family doesn't use.

What about you?


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