Friday, August 17, 2007

Nearly Maybe Jump for Joy Time

No, we are not employed--yet.

However, we each received a phone call today that gave both of us hope.

First, Scott's call:  Boeing called and asked him in for an interview TODAY!! Evidently one of his buddies wrote an email to HR saying that Scott had interviews with other companies and they'd better put a little flame under their seats and talk to Scott.  It's nice to have friends... So, in about 20 minutes, Scott will go to his interview at Boeing. 15 minutes away! Getting home before dark!! A 15-minute commute!! Benefits!!  But I get ahead of myself.  I am so hopeful they beg him to "come home."

Now, enough about him (giggle).

One very important side note: my gratitude abounds for you and your encouragement this week.  I'm not sure I would have got through the week without you.  Once again you've held me up by my elbows and walked me through the hard parts.

Another pleasing side bar: I'm wearing a dress that 2 years ago would not go over my head, let alone my shoulders and waist! In fact, I'd forgotten I had it.  I was so hot this afternoon that I could not keep my slacks on, so I looked in my closet and found this cute little (in my mind anyway) sleeveless dress.  I'm thinner!!! Yippee!

Now is the hopeful/good part. I received a phone call from a mom at the girls' school.  She's going to cover for me and cater the Teachers' back to school breakfast on 9/1, the Friday before school begins.  She called this morning, and we talked about what she'd need for the breakfast. During the course of the conversation, she mentioned her neighbor telling her that everyone at school "loves" me! I never knew.  She said that everyone she mentions my name to tells her that I'm such a nice person and that it's nice that I'm such a willing volunteer.  (BIG frikn GRIN!!)

THEN,  she says, "by the way, my husband wanted me to get a message to you."  (I'm thinking hmm.) The mom just happens to be the mayor's wife. The mayor I talked with at the "grand re-opening" of the Parks and Recs department.  The mayor to whom the Parks & Rec Dept Head reports.  The Dept Head who did not hire me for the Exec. Secretary position. The mom said that Phil (the mayor) remembered me speaking to him and asking about Laura (the Dept Head), and had spoken to Laura asking her if I got hired for the ES job.  She said no.  No I do not know how the conversation went exactly (duh), but Marisol the mom, told me that Laura wanted Phil to be sure and tell me to apply for TWO other openings that came open since I interviewed.  She said that I "interviewed very well" and she is very interested in talking to me about one of these other two jobs!!!! Izzat cool or what?!?!?!?!! 

The Parks & Rec office is four somewhat long-ish blocks away from my house!!!  I could walk to work!! We'd only need one car! I'd get paid!! Not a lot, but counting the bennies, it'd be great!  Plus, once I got in, I could give the new Exec Secretary the Evil Eye so she'd quit and I could get that job! (Nah, not really--evil grin)

Plus, I have a second interview next Tuesday with Cal State Long Beach for the Center for International Trade and Transport Assistant. The acronym for this department at the school is incredible: CSULBUCESCITT (kind of a mixed up "Club Blue Skit).

Additionally, I have a first interview with the company that needs a work from home person doing contract fulfillment and sales support. It sounds like fun, a lot of phone work (I've been told I give "good phone."), and basic record keeping and tracking.

All three positions pay the same, and have similar benefits. "Club Blue Skit" has the added benefit of a tuition waiver for things like, well, Master's degrees!!! But it is 10 times farther away from home (giggle—it's 10 miles away from home). The city has a generous tuition reimbursement program, and I'll have to check on the other company's benefits. Too funny.

So that's the story…what a week, eh?!?!

Again, thank you for your prayers, good thoughts, candles, incense.  Perhaps they are working after all!


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