Thursday, July 15, 2004

To My Writing Friends

Or should it be "writhing"?

The subject of book titles came up very recently. My Michigan Teacher friend has a wonderful title for her book, which I will not state here lest some stranger to my circle of friends lift it. This made me think about something my mother and I used to do.

When we would drive somewhere, or at any time during the day, really, we would try to come up with "best selling" book titles. I wish we had written them down, because some of them were quite good. Every day when I shower, as I'm squeeging my shower doors that have dolphins on them, I see straggler water drops and think, a book my mom would like is, "No Tears for the Dolphins"--it could be an environmental story, an American Football story, or a kids' book. I wish I could stop thinking that title.

Do you have any book titles you'd like to share?

Another mental exercise that Mom and I did was to come up with Great First Lines. Now I think I've seen some book published about this before, but we used to just see what we could think of as first lines besides, "It was a Dark and Stormy Night" Which brings me to another book title: "It was a Dark and Stormy Night and Other First Great One Liners" May be too long, but it helps tie in my two mental excercises.


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