Monday, June 21, 2004


For the first time here I am cold. Not quite freezing, but my pajamas and robe are not enough to keep me warm. The clothes I brought are miserably lacking for warmth. Good thing I brought my "plastic" rain jacket ($12 at Ross, thank you very much) as it is the only thing really that provides me some warmth.

It has been cold here all week, yes. However, I have only on occasion been cold, and it has also always been easy to get warm. This morning, though, seems different. I know it will be better when I get some of that 7-11 Macchiato in me. Maybe I'll get two.

It's ironic, too, that this, our last full day in Norway is the first day I have awakened at a decent time, and the first time BD1 has slept later than I did. I will be "heaven" trying to get her awake at 4:am tomorrow!

We are going to see our dear K again this morning, to bring books and pastries, and then off to shop in the city center. I am driving!! The kids and I will go into town and try to have some fun shopping. Have to get those souvenirs, you know.

I think K may not come home tonight. Her condition is not as under control as the med staff would like. We haven't heard anything this morning yet, of course, so I could be very wrong, and would be very happy to be so.

My "kingdom" for a thick warm sweater!! (the only sweatshirt I brought is drying on a rack in the laundry room--no clothes dryers here!)


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