Monday, September 13, 2004

Oh Calgon wherefore art thou??

Somebody give me a bleeding break!!!

I've been working on the damn playroom "stuff" all day. Yes, that's from 9:00 this morning until 9:00 tonight. I'm so lost and overwhelmed by all the crap in this house!! I want to leave it all!!! BD1, my darling 7 yr old just sits and watches TV as I clean HER stuff. Have you ever tried to sort 1,000's of pencils from 1,000's of crayons into separate bins?? Talk about a pain in the ass.

Now, DH is due home in about 20 minutes, and of course, the dishes aren't done, the front room looks like Ivan hit it, the playroom looks as if I was just beginning instead of almost through with it, the dining room table looks as if an art supply store imploded on it. Can I make it livable looking before he gets home? Some wedding anniversary. Harumph.

Thanks for letting me vent. Even if you're not there, if I write it, at least it's not festering in my chest, causing me more ulcers.

It just feels as if the world is spinning faster--the seconds are shorter making the hours go by so quickly, and that the list of things to do will evolve into some kind of monster that will just swallow me and I'll disappear into a bomb of paper.

Oh--and I just remembered, BD2 needs a bath for her first day at preschool tomorrow! Shite.


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