Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Last Week's Friday Fiver

1. How did you learn about the bombings in London?

Scott woke me as he dressed for work. Just like he woke me for the attacks on New York and Pennsylvania. We watched it unfold on KTLA, at least until the girls awoke.

2. Do you have any personal connections to the area?

Oh, yes. Good dear friends live in and near London, we travel there whenever the opportunity affords itself.

3. Do you use public transportation?

Odd, usually only in a foreign country. California doesn’t have great public transit systems, unless you’re in San Francisco and it’s region. I had to use it when I sold my car, and realized yet again why I don’t use it here at home. It takes three hours to get somewhere that I can get in an hour in my car.

4. Have you ever let threats of terrorism change the way that you live each day?

Only to be more aware of my surroundings. I traveled to Boston Logan and on to Vermont the month after the attacks in New York in 2001. It’s been somewhat scarier, but I’ve still traveled. Plus, I can’t let them infect my every day life. If I do, then the terrorists win. However, I don’t do things that my put my children in jeopardy, either.

5. If you could say something directly to the person or group responsible for this tragedy, what would you say?

My good old friend Karen put it so nicely, so I’ll plagiarize her:

Whatever god you believe in wants all people to live together in peace. Live and let live. If you don't like the way we live in the west, either ignore us or work together with us in a constructive way to help bring about change for all of us. (I saw a nice bumper sticker yesterday: "Sow justice, reap security.")


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