Friday, July 08, 2005

Sort of an Update

Well, I haven't written for a week or so, and haven't read any blogs, either, so I thought maybe I ought to write an update of sorts about what's been happening. I promise this will be the short version--really!

I haven’t really felt like writing, and perhaps I should have written anyway. Lot’s of family things, emotional things, financial things happening around here have made me a confused, scattered, dazed, and more just than a little crazy person.

Monday (6/20) I sold the Explorer; Tuesday (6/21) I sold the Lincoln. Wednesday I had a smallish nervous breakdown. The girls both behaved in such seriously bad ways, I wanted to be institutionalized in order to get away from them before hurting myself or one of them. Really. I screeched at them like never before. I used a flip-flop (shoe) as an attention getter on Em’s rear-end. She would not cooperate. I knew I had to retreat and regroup, but it just was not possible, since every time I blinked it seemed they were screaming at each other, hurting each other, speaking very disrespectfully to me, not doing what I asked of them. It got so bad that at around 5:30 a very good friend came over and stayed with me until Scott got home. This really is the short story.

I think maybe I was having some grief re-visits triggered by selling the cars, especially Poppy’s Lincoln. He truly loved that car, and he and my mom had such great memories of trips, both long and short in it. It always looked so cute to see them driving up our street to visit us. Losing it I think, kind of marked another chapter ending.

On the bright side, we now own only two cars and they both fit in the garage, even with the girls’ bikes and trikes, and my bike trailer. I’m very happy, especially since Poppy said he was relieved to get rid of the car and issues that went along with it.

I don’t really remember much of the rest of the week, except for the beach party that got too cold (in California even) and got transferred to the hosts’ home. What a great party! Scott and I both felt as if we were “hanging” with the old high school folks—old friends with the same memories we had . We could say one line from one movie or song, and it got finished by one or the other in the group. We both said we hadn't laughed like that for years. It was something we definitely needed!


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