Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Summertime is here!

Ten minutes. That’s all it took: ten little minutes for the girls to begin to get on each other’s nerves after Sarah came home from minimum day on the last day of school. I decided we’ll have to arrange for more daytime activities than originally planned. I won’t be able to take the arguing and the “fussing” at each other for such small issues. The screaming, the wailing, the “NO!! YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT!! DON’T TOUCH THAT!! MOOOOMMMMMYYY CMERE!!!”

So, for starters, today we went to the sunny beautiful beach. It was a perfect day. The girls and two friends played in and around the water, while we two moms sat under the umbrella so we wouldn’t burn. We talked and laughed and had a great time. It was a perfect day, really, until just about 3:30, when we decided to pack and go home. By the time we convinced my daughters they needed to help, it was nearly 4:00. At 4:30 the dog groomer closes, and I had promised Poppy to bring him home for dinner. Then my two “darling” daughters began to fight over a tube of peanut butter. They wouldn’t stop! I lost it and screamed a few obscenities, and then forced Sarah the Older Sister to give Emily the Younger the d*** peanut butter tube. I was livid at Sarah’s inability to be generous or gracious at that moment.

Still reeling from the PB outburst, I got in the car, said goodbye to our friends, and drove out of the beach parking lot. A car stopped suddenly in front of me, causing me to quickly step on the brakes. I hear a thump. Then I heard crying. Emily got thrown forward into the back of my seat, cutting her lip on the plastic handle (the one that’s supposed to help you out of the car). Then I realized she had not been wearing her seat belt. She had a reason, of course, but it wasn’t good at all. We got her calmed at least to the point that it was only sniffles, and I am sure hoping she won’t do that again!

We finally got the dog, after summoning the groomer from home. We apologized and went next door to the clock shop, filled with clocks from what looked like everywhere. My father had left with me an old ship’s clock to get fixed, so I figured, No time like the present, and took it in to give him a look. He took it from me, looked at it, and said he’d call to let me know what the clock needed.

Then, we drove over to Poppy’s home to get him for dinner. He said he hadn’t eaten yet, so home we went to finish off the prime rib and potatoes I made for Saturday dinner.

We had quite a bit of food, and for that Poppy was grateful. I didn’t get him home until 10:30pm, and I will guess he fell right asleep.

That’s just what I plan to do in about 3 minutes. G’nite


At 10/7/05 07:17, Blogger dsimom said...

My recommendation for you is send them to their corners. My boys share a room, so they never have any time alone. Unless they fight, then I send one to play in his room and the other stays downstairs to play. They don't love this solution but it works. They tend to stop fighting after about an hour of alone play. I don't have to hear the screaming. We are all happier.

In fact, it will happen today. Ken's already being a pip about bionicles and Eddie knows he's in a mood so he is choosing to be a brat.

What fun!!!


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