Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Bicycle Accident, and 4 year old

Sarah rode my bike today (I lowered the seat for her) and when a car came in her direction, she tried to stop, falling on the nasty asphalt street, and scraping her elbow pretty good.

So, it's been hurting her all afternoon, and I put stuff on it, a bandage, but the bandage made it worse, and now that she's TWO hours late for bed, she's giving me all kinds of whines about how it hurts, and how she can't get "comftortable" and how she doesn't want to go to bed because it will hurt.

I did all the explaining, hugging, more Neosporin, more water, and a Motrin that I knew how to do, and finally got her to go to bed.

Emily the Younger is sleeping in a box tonight.

All the money in the world on a great bunk bed (this is the 2nd one), and she wants to sleep in a box. Go figure.

Before you go and call the Division of Family Services, please note that it's her choice. it's a box from a 27" TV and it's huge...she has all her favorite blankies and her Beary the Bear, plus a flashlight, and she's happy as a clam.


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