Friday, July 16, 2004

The Bride

Now I would be remiss as a wedding reviewer if I did not describe the glowing and lovely bride.
On the day of the Ceremony, she wore a simply elegant gold jacket (was that a Nehru collar?), that ended just below the hips, with a mid-calf length black skirt.    She was the picture of a radiant bride.  The groom wore a dignified dark suit with a white dress shirt and a gorgeous silver tie.  He looked pretty happy, too.
For The Party, the bride wore another simply elegant outfit: an ivory raw silk dress with a black shawl, and of course, the red "FU" jacket.  The groom was even more handsome this day than the previous day, with a rich-coco brown suit and matching tie, with a printed white dress shirt.
They were both just beautiful on both occasions, and their ring bearers were, too.  Kidlet looked so grand in his suit, tie and new dress shoes.  BD1 wore a light blue sheath dress with matching sheer jacket in sort of a chiffon to The Ceremony, and a short-sleeved silk dress in ivory with small taupe roses in front, and one large ivory rose in the back to The Party.  She was very cold for both occasions, but was loaned 3 or so coats and jackets in an attempt to warm her.


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