Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Just got off the phone with the doctor, and my test results are back from the echo/stress test; the vampire’s blood test results came back, too.

My cholesterol is down to well within normal levels, my triglycerides were cut in half—still borderline high, but a great improvement from the last tests (if the numbers mean anything to you, triglycerides came down from 725 to 320). My blood glucose levels are well within normal (a really scary thing for me, since both my parents have/had diabetes). He said everything looks great!! YIPPEE!!

The stress/echo came back with glowing reports, too. No evidence of blocked arteries, no evidence of heart damage (whew!), no evidence of arrhythmia (well, until about an hour after the test, my heart was doing flip-flops, but then there was no one to see it at that time, was there).

What happened to me in France was a “Super Ventricular Tachycardia” or SVT. Not a heart attack(!) but a heart “episode.”

And to kind of answer the other questions, about gall bladder, hernias, or stress, the answer is “No.” Not from any of these three. It was just some kind of pacemaker anomaly that may never happen again. Made me wonder if I’d be like my uncle whose pacemaker got replace when he was in his 70’s. I have a few years to wait for that, tho.

How about that to put a person in a good mood?!

Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts and encouragement.


At 31/5/05 15:21, Blogger gemmak said...

Yayyyyy....excellent news :o) So good to hear you are in A1 condition.....when are you running the marathon? heh

Seriously tho, I'm very pleased for you, a big weight off your mind *hugs*


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