Thursday, May 19, 2005

Last Night's Dinner & Cardiac Stress Test

This morning, I go to the vampire's lab so they can suck, er, test some more of my blood. Then I'll go across the street to visit the cardiologist for a "stress/echo" test. I guess I'll be walking/running on a treadmill or something with patches all over me. It ought to be interesting.

Haven't felt well all morning, maybe it's the stress test causing some extra stress.

However, last night, I shared a beautiful dinnertime with two of my closest friends, Ms. Social Worker, and Ms. Teacher. They are both working on their Master's degrees, have so much talent. I know they will be such a benefit to the human race as professionals (partly because the world is such a greatly better place because they are here already).

Anyway, we went to the Cheesecake Factory, and whaddya know? We did not have any cheesecake! I was nearly a good girl, and ate salad for dinner, and it was very yummy. But I was only nearly a good girl, because I drank a couple of FACTORY PEACH BELLINIs (click on the "from our Bar" button)

They had the Warm Apple Crisp (click on "desserts" button) for dessert, and I became a bad girl again and ordered a hot fudge sundae (but it was kind of a good girl thing since I didn't order the way-too-rich-cheesecake-no-matter-what-flavor I ordered).

We talked and laughed...we shared good news and bad, and it was truly a great evening. Success for me, the old mom of the trio, since getting home at 11:30 on a week night and being locked out of the house symbolized such a "youthfully" successful night! Had to wake "dad" to let me in to the house! (grin, grin)

Well gotta go and fill out the forms, give my blood, and walk the walk. Have a great day!


At 19/5/05 11:33, Blogger dsimom said...

let us know your results.


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