Thursday, May 19, 2005


O.K., if you've read my blog, you've seen what my symptoms are. I'm getting some opinions about my health, and I'd like to ask you, my 6 readers, if you think they might be right and the docs may not be looking in the right area to fix me.


nausea, chest pain, elevated heart rate, weakness in muscles, feeling of heaviness in my chest, shortness of breath, more gas than ever before (excuse this detail, please).


How many of you agree with five people who have already told me that I ought to have the docs check into gall bladder dysfunction?



At 19/5/05 23:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Charmaine, after looking at all the symptoms of ‘gallbladder dysfunction’ on many different websites tonight I don’t see anywhere where it mentions from your list of symptoms –chest pain, elevated heart rate, weakness in muscles, heaviness in chest, or shortness of breath. Which only leaves nausea and gas on your list???

So my short answer would be no for ‘gallbladder dysfunction’ but I’m certainly no doctor.

Of course having been through all this myself – (and finally finding the answers after an echo/stress test) I do remember the doctor suggesting it could be that I had a Hiatal I just looked up those symptoms - and there are certainly some from your list...

Heartburn (which is worse when bending over or lying down shortly after eating)
Gastric reflux (backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus)
Frequent belching
Frequent hiccups
Chest pain radiating from below the breastbone (the sternum)
Feeling of pressure in the chest
A bloated feeling after eating
Abdominal discomfort
Abdominal pressure, especially soon after eating
Discomfort or pain in the stomach
Discomfort or pain in the esophagus
Unexplained coughing
Difficulty swallowing

So what were the results of your stress test? Are you having bloodwork done soon? What about an ultrasound to rule out gallbladder problems? (I had that too - they can check for quite a few other things in the ultrasound).

Keep pushing for an answer. You are ultimately the only one responsible for your health - and you have to keep at 'em until you get an answer!

At 20/5/05 05:40, Blogger dsimom said...

I agree with Ms. Northwest, I don't think it's gallbladder, but don't let them giveup. They tend to do that with women. You had something happen in Paris and it should't be brushed off as some womenly thing.


At 20/5/05 06:32, Blogger Bookhorde said...

"nausea, chest pain, elevated heart rate, weakness in muscles, feeling of heaviness in my chest, shortness of breath,"

This all sounds like a heart thing to uneducated me. See your doctor!!!!
(Do you get chest pain or shortness of beath after going up the stairs quickly?)

Dh ahd his gallbladder taken out. Prior to that, her would get gas and pain if he ate very greasy food -- do you get that? (Try to compare how you feel after a completely grease-free meal vs a high-grease meal)

Ms nw might be right about teh hernia, also.

At 20/5/05 06:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More thoughts from me…

Maybe it was a stress/anxiety attack that you had. ALL of your systems can be caused by stress - ok maybe not the gas part. Twice in the last 12 years DH has been taken to the hospital by ambulance – he was sure he was having a heart attack. Both times after numerous testing he was told it was stress related. Maybe it’s as simple as that. Not that stress is simple – but it is manageable to a degree. You have been under an extreme amount of stress and worry over the past couple of months.

At 22/5/05 13:53, Blogger gemmak said...

I'm most deffinately with ms. northwest, can't see this as gall bladder but I have a hiatus hernia and I get similar symptoms and I was also an 'old hand' at anxiety attacks and again, very similar symptoms.....I would mention all of this to the doc and then let em test for everything .If had to give my 'gut feeling diagnosis' (no pun intended) it would be the anxiety.....I am most certainly not a doctor tho.


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