Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Wednesday Meme

Are you more... #40
Are you more...

01) Trusting of your managers/supervisors/executives or wary of your managers/supervisors/executives?

02) The "it'll be fine without a belt" type or the "belt and suspenders, just in case" type?
no belt

03) One who leaves the door unlocked or one who always locks the door?
I don't know if I ought to answer this one...mostly I forget to lock it.

04) Popeye or Bluto?
Popeye (or more like Wimpy), and it's Brutus, not Bluto.

05) One who needs to have magical thinking or one who needs to have the truth, no matter what it turns out to be? I like magical thinking.

06) A Paris Hilton lover or a Paris Hilton hater? A Paris Hilton indifferent.

07) Into walls that are painted or into walls that are wallpapered? PAINTED.

08) Hardwood floors (for the beauty) or tile/vinyl floors (for the practicality)? Hardwood.

09) Looking forward to Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith or couldn't care less about it and why all the hype, you geeks? Excitedly anticipating the end of the series.

10) American Idol is the best thing on television or American Idol is just another crappy reality television show? Crappy, crappy, crappy.

taken from "" by way of The memes list.


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