Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Just a quick note before I leave; Our Poppy is in hospital again. We admitted him last night. His doctor and I suspect a couple of small strokes or TIAs.

Poppy has not been himself for a few weeks. Sunday night we had him over for dinner; he could hardly get into the van, or even out of his wheel chair. He was unable to have a conversation at all--we'd ask him a question and he'd begin to answer, then close his eyes. We'd have to kind of touch him, gently shake him to get him to open his eyes, too. He could not get his drink into his mouth. He either could not tip the glass up high enough for the drink to get into his mouth, or it would spill out of the left side of his mouth once it got in.

He has no peripheral vision in his left eye. That could be from the TIA or could be from macular degeneration. We just don't know.

I'm on my to visit him. I'm not sure he even knew where he was when I left him last night. He appeared to fall asleep right in the middle of the doctor's visit yesterday afternoon. He is so lethargic.

We're more than a little worried. Uncle Papa, would you please call Aunt Evelyn for me and let her know about my dad? I'd appreciate it.

I'll update as soon as I know anything.


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