Sunday, August 07, 2005

Peter Jennings

Rest in Peace, dear sir.

You represented dignity, candor, and truth in reporting. Your eyes twinkled when relaying good news; they saddened when bad news came. You always had a smile for me, and all the viewers who tuned in to your reports every evening for so long.

The worst news today told us that we lost you. Though I did not know you off screen at all, you appeared to be the very presence of grace, kindness, honesty, strength and honor. I have needed to see those qualities in someone for a very long time, and received reassurance that someone on television still owned and lived them every time I saw you on the screen in my home.

Peter Gibson, and others who have atempted to fill in for you, though good reporters, will never quite fill your shoes.

My heart cries for your family, having lost such an important person in their lives. I will miss you very much. I wish peace to you; I wish comfort to those who knew you personally and have lost their very good friend, father, husband, loved man. I'm so, so sorry you had to endure this pain.


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