Sunday, August 28, 2005

Traveling with Children

This morning provided me with the rare occasion to read the Travel Section of the Los Angeles Times. I love that section; it gives me great dreams for traveling to exotic locations. I became very frustrated, however, when I read the following letter to the Travel Section this morning:

Entitled, Please, leave those screamers at home" it read:
"My wife and I recently made a trip with British Airways from L.A. to London. On both flights, we had to listen to screaming babies and toddlers for many hours. I can think of no unselfish reason for a parent to take a child under 4 years old onto an aircraft.

British Airways has three flights per day to London, and perhaps they and other airlines could consider making the minimum age 4 y ears for one of those flights.

Duncan Smith, Thousand Oaks, California"

First, I can think of no unselfish reason for this letter. Second, allowing children access to only one flight out of three is discrimination and just wrong. Third, here is my letter that I wrote to the Times to rebut D. Smith's little outburst:

I have seen about enough from people who do not like to travel with children.

I can assure these people that parents don't always love traveling with their children.

The inconsiderate, thoughtless, uncaring and selfish people who write letters to the Times requesting special flights for adults only cannot possibly be serious. Maybe, instead of requesting that the airline move mountains and expensive flight schedules to accommodate their selfish desires, they could travel with a pair of $5.00 ear plugs.

Perhaps they'd have a different opinion if they'd only think about the families who travel. Especially families who must travel overseas. It is not always for fun and frivolity. Many families travel abroad simply because they must. Many times they only travel with their children this far due to a death or serious illness in the family and have no real other choice.

British Airways provides some of the best customer care for their customers with children, allowing pre-boarding, settling-in time, and assistance to parents. Parents, I do realize could prepare for the flight, with toys, gizmos, other easy to carry occupations for the children, plus some small snacks that can be doled out to help facilitate quiet.

However, in my response to D. Smith of Thousand Oaks is, "Duncan, you inconsiderate, selfish, thoughtless fool."

CRHM, Cypress

So there!


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