Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A rant/vent

I've heard that 3 more little girls died in the Amish community from the pedofile that shot them and himself yesterday.

I'm just sick. What did the Amish ever do to anyone? Peaceful, friendly, kind people who keep to themselves. How do Newt Gingrich and Pat Buchanan explain this one? Evidently, they both asserted that the victims of 9/11 deserved their fate because there are so many "degenerates" in the US. What is their explanation for this one?

Where is the god who was supposed to protect them from the "Outside World?"

I'm sick. I'm so sickened I can't write logically or even coherently. There are so many questions, such anger, such near-hopelessness in my mind right now, I can't sort them out to put them in print.

How am I supposed to be able to protect my two beautiful innocent daughters from sick deviants like the guy in Pennsylvania while they are in school--away from me? How do I try to protect them when they are with me? How do I adequately watch over them when I know there are 27 convicted child molesters living in my town alone, and most of them live either next to or across the street from parks and elementary schools? Can't the authorities make sure they don't live near locations kids frequent?

If that's not terrifying enough, we have Muslim terrorists to worry about; North Korea and it's nuclear weapons, pollution, global warming, car accidents, dirty bombs, India and Pakistan causing certain obliteration, the president (lower case on purpose) of the US making rash decisions that will surely affect all Americans, if not the world. It's maddening. It's terrifying. And I'm supposed to live my life like I always have, do all my little life's daily activities as if none of this was happening. As if.

How are the parents of the little girls in Lancaster, PA supposed to live their lives now? What about everyone in that community? Why did beautiful little girls, who should be playing in the playground, practicing their letters, piano, whatever, learning to quilt, sew, cook, laughing at little girls' jokes have to die so brutally?

In my mind, I want to help the Bransons of the world who are committing so much time and money to slowing the global warming trend. I want to get some kind of legislation in effect to restrict the types of neighborhoods convicted pedophiles can live. I want to find someone to go assasinate Kim Jong Il and make sure it's not connected to any nation. Make it look personal. But my body doesn't cooperate. I need to stay here to watch over my little girls.

That's not all, oh no, that is not all. I also want to find some far away mountain home where my family can live peacefully and still think the world is a beautiful place. But the thought still hits me that even there, some idiot with a button to push could destroy our lives forever.

But time marches on, and it's time to tuck my beautiful daughters in bed, wish them sweet dreams, assure them the world will be here in the morning.


At 4/10/06 08:46, Blogger Bookhorde said...

The amish schoolhosue killings are really really bothering me. Just a little too close to home, I guess. Adn the feeling that I sort of know what the community is like (a connection maybe), and it just is too hard to think about.
I hate that evil psycho killer.

At 13/10/06 12:45, Blogger Gudmans Dautter said...

I just received my gorgeous Christmas quilts for the girls' beds from Nancy, the quilt maker in Lancaster county. They are all so much more special to me because they honor the Amish way of life.

My dd's' school is already talking about stronger security methods. These animals that destroy life at school are horrendous examples of human beings.


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