Monday, July 23, 2007

Update and Gratitude

First, a long overdue "Things for which I'm grateful:"


  1. The weather has not been too hot here, it's been a great summer for weather, and time at home for puttering (or 'putering, which is what I seem to do most).
  2. Our cars are both running, and gas prices have gone down about a nickel, so we may be able to at least take a day trip somewhere before the summer ends.
  3. We are all fairly healthy. I had minor surgery two weeks ago on my left hand, and will have the right hand operated on this Friday. My left hand feels hugely better than it did before surgery. I can hardly wait until the right one is done. I'm thankful for a great hand specialist, with whom I'd trust my right arm (hee hee).
  4. I'm very grateful for my family all being together this summer. Scott and the girls have got the opportunity to bond a little closer together, and it's nice to see them playing together, whether or not it's video games.
  5. Every day I count my blessings for my friends and extended family who have emotionally supported us so much all year.


And now, for the update:


Summer is going boringly. Looking for jobs bites. It seems as if every company has the same application to complete, just in different order, so you have to do each one separately.  It would be so grand if the American National Standards Institute would get a generic, all-encompassing application so that we tired job searchers could just change the job title and pertinent details, instead of repeating the same information over and over (and over again). I know, bitch, bitch, bitch.

On the good side, though, I have an interview at the City of Cypress (exec. secretary for Parks & Rec) this Thursday, and I'm using my friend Jan as a good luck charm, since she got in with La Palma the next town over. These are both small cities—La Palma is 1.8 sq miles. Cypress is only a little bigger.

Scott, otoh, has not found anything--yet. He's resorted to attempting a return to the Aviation industry.  He's waiting for responses from about four companies, including Boeing.  He's getting somewhat stressed, as the severance pay we've been surviving on is just about gone.  August may be a financially tough month. However, he seems to be having a good enough time playing video games (a lot).

I HATE being broke in the summer!!! Good thing for Knott's annual passes, or we'd be doing nothing at all!

The girls are having a great time doing pretty much nothing.  If Amanda wants a playmate, have her call us--we're nearly always home, and Emily's friends live on our street, whereas Sarah's friends are spread all over town, and most are at camp all summer.

Tomorrow afternoon, we're going to the fair--kids get in free on Tuesdays, and also on Tuesdays, people can purchase a wrist band for $20 to have unlimited ride access from 5-8pm.  I'm going to have to leave the fair early, because I want to go to the Parks & Rec (schmooze schmooze) Grand Re-0pening at 6:00 and maybe perhaps maybe meet the director of Parks & Rec. I don't know if that's a good idea or not, but I really do want this job. If the office is located at Oak Knoll, I could walk to work!

This is my first real interview after about 60 or so applications, including United Healthcare, CSULB, Boeing, and other smaller companies. It's getting very discouraging, but I'm going to have to return to some kind of work, so I have to keep applying.


I think that's enough for now. Perhaps I'll write some more tonight or tomorrow.


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