Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The Pain

On the right side, approximately in the middle (where I think the kidneys are located), I have had a moderate to severe pain in my back for a week.  It annoys me. I have too much to do to deal with this pain. I thought the pain began to lessen, then my second daughter awoke crying at midnight, and then at 1:00 this morning, and I took her into the family room to try to sleep on my lap on our sofa.
I tried for two hours after she fell asleep to figure out just how to extract her from my lap and carry her to her bed, and then, at 4:00, she awoke crying, saying she was hungry and thirsty. So, to the kitchen we went, for milk and cheerios.  After she ate, she said she wanted to go to bed now, so I helped her to bed (she decided she wanted to sleep on the floor since BD1 had fallen asleep on BD2's lower bunk, and I stumbled into mine.
At 6:30, I heard her happily get up to be with her dad before he leaves for work.  I dragged myself out of bed at around 7:00 and here I sit, with my back pain, barely able to lift my coffee mug (granted, it's a 20 ouncer) without cringing in pain.  It feels like a muscle strain, but it should have healed by now if it is indeed that.  Oh well, if it's not better by the end of the week, I guess I'll have to have a visit with the evil doctor.
Vicodin is wonderful, but depressing as it wears off. Not just because the pain returns, but because it has a depressant effect on me.  I take enough meds already; I don't want to take even more.
Other than that, life is truly wonderful!


At 21/7/04 12:17, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor you!

Is it still hurting? Can you put something warm on it?

As for kids waking up in the middle of the night; there ought to be a law against it, I tell ya. Specially for the over-two crowd.



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