Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dear Congressman Feingold

Dear Congressman Feingold,

Your statements both on your website and on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart regarding accountability hit spot on with a major issue we all face today.

If the President of the United States cannot accept responsibility for actions so blaringly his own, then how do we expect young people to grow into responsible, accountable adults with any kind of integrity to themselves, others, or our country.

I've heard speeches about having "character." I've seen many presentations about self-esteem.  But what a lot of our challenges in the US relate to is our accepting responsibility for our own actions, and also respect for others as much as respect for ourselves.

We have become a nation of self-serving, self-interested, selfish, un-compassionate, inconsiderate people.  I truly believe if we could raise our children with some respect for others we'd be a better nation of people.  If we as adults took responsibility for our actions, we'd have better tools to inspire our children to do the same. If our President took responsibility as an obligation rather than a choice, it might inspire our adults to do the same.

Thank you for the extra time it took to read this post.  Thank you for your voice and speaking about accountability to the nation.  Perhaps the "powers that be" didn't listen, but many of us listened and agreed.  

We'd probably even vote for you in 2008!

With Respect,
Charmaine Mankey


At 29/3/06 15:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three cheers for Charmaine! ! ! You deserve “The Golden Soap Box Award”

You wrote;
“We have become a nation of self-serving, self-interested, selfish, un-compassionate, inconsiderate people.”

This is a refreshing article and you should send a copy of it to the newspaper for an editorial……

May the god of good thoughts continue to shine on you….



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