Monday, May 22, 2006

So, uh, I was busy last Friday

But I like this Friday's Feast, so I'm doing it on Monday, May 22 instead.

Friday's Feast #94

What is the last thing you had to have repaired?

My car--fortunately, at least 1/2 of it was covered by warranty

If someone gave you $2,000 with the stipulation that you had to spend half of it on yourself and give the rest to charity, where would you spend the $1,000 and which charity would receive your remaining $1,000?

Charity: The local shelter for abused women and children

Me: $1000 ??? either Jewelry or a trip to Hawaii--maybe I'd go to Hawaii and buy jewelry!

What is one of your favorite songs from the 1980s?

Steely Dan's Babylon's Sisters

Main Course
You enter a pet store. Which section do you go to first?

dog food--then puppies

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how athletic are you?

at one time, an 8; now about a 4


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