Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ten on Tuesday

10 bittersweet memories

1. Seeing things that my parents would enjoy and not being able to share it with them in some way--not sending postcards to them when we travel, e.g.

2. The sound of a well-tuned Harley Davidson.

3. Lilacs (my mom loved to go to Descanso Gardens in April to see the lilacs)

4. an old boyfriend

5. Redondo Beach

6. Oslo, Norway (The place I and my oldest daughter visited where my very good friend lived and died.)

7. my 1988 Jetta, because it was the best ever car, and I don't have it anymore.

8. my mom's cookbooks

9. my father's wedding ring (it has been lost for 2 years)

10. my grandma's ruby pendant (lost in Mammoth Lakes a long, long, time ago.) I wish I still had it so that I could hand it down to Sarah.

Wow--that was easier than I thought it would be.


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