Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hi There!

A smallish update:

We are good--I have a sinus yucky thingy going on, but other than that we're all mostly healthy. Scott and I went out with two other couples last night, belatedly celebrating their anniversaries...both couples were married the same day the same year within 10 miles of each other and within a couple of hours. They only met about 4 years ago, and have been married 15 years. Their kids all go to the same school (with mine). We went to a place right on the beach, that had yummy food, and I ate big time. We had mango martinis--the best martinis I ever had (except of course, chocolatinis).

We are such old folks now, that we were pretty much done by 9:pm! We couldn't let our children know that we are that uncool, so we went to the home of one of the other couples until about 11:00--the men downstairs watching/talking football and bookies, the women upstairs talking about the men! (As well, we discussed the kids and furniture, too) We really enjoyed ourselves.

Surprisingly, I am having way more fun than I ever expected with the PTA and the Girl Scouts. The moms are so sweet and helpful. It's been great fun getting to know the other parents and kids. When I walk through the school, I have to giggle, because so many kids wave and say, "Hi, Mrs. Mankey!" which I take as a compliment, since if kids don't like you they tend to avoid you. Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun, and yes, it's keeping me very busy. Too busy to get a paying job, even.

Take Care...