Tuesday, February 20, 2007

But first...

I absolutely must publicly apologize to my dearest uncle and aunt. February 14th is their wedding anniversary. This year they celebrated 54 years together. This is my ramshackle attempt to wish them a belated anniversary.

They have constantly shown by their lives together as examples how a marriage can be strong and survive the environment today that tends to tear and scratch at the institution of marriage, causing so many to end.

Don't get me wrong--if you are not the marrying type, more power to you. But, if you choose to marry, this couple is the penultimate examples of how to behave as a husband and wife. They are so sweet together toward each other, my heart warms every time I'm with them. They truly seem of one mind sometimes, and often finish each other's sentences, which, instead of irritating, brings gratitude to the one searching for the right words.

They are a beautiful couple, too. Not too different from the picture they sent me last year. Her smile lights up a room, and he is The Perfect Southern Gentleman.

My uncle has given me such great advice for dealing with life and a husband; he has helped me get through some "moments" especially since my parents departed this earth.

We love you both so dearly, Uncle Papa and Aunt Nana--shame on us for not acknowledging your special day on time! I hope at least that my cousins treated you well that day!


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