Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's official:

My husband is a Bull in a China Shop.

Not that our home is made of breakable delicate alabaster things...but he can easily turn a nice place into a disaster!

Case in Point:

I asked him to move our water bottles onto the patio so we'd have more room to move about in the garage. I had already made room for his car, and cleaned out a bunch of junk to be given/thrown away.

Yes, there remains much "stuff" but, it's much nicer than it was. And, his highness can park his precious little sports car in the garage (Dorinna? sound familiar?)

So, he moves the water bottles into the patio, where we keep dog stuff--food, flea stuff, snacks, toys, blah blah.

Does he leave room to access the dog food?

Nope. Not only does he put the 7 water bottles (the delivery kind, 5-gallon size), wherever they land, he knocks over the dog food container, spilling dog food all over the floor, and now, with the water bottles there, I couldn't get back in there to save any of the dog food.

I waited a few days...the rule in the house is, you spill it, you pick it up. I guess the rule is not for him. This morning, I realized the dog had not eaten since Sunday. No one had given him any dog food. Emily tried to do it Friday...I guess that was the day the food was spilled, and she said the container was empty, and food was all over the patio floor.

Now all four of us knew Scott had done this. He had also through the floor mat across the patio so now we could not wipe our feet before coming into the family room (remember the new carpet where no one is allowed to wear shoes??).

So there I am, attempting to feed the dog, after making pancakes and bacon for the girls' breakfast...having to rearrange all the water bottles into a more neat placement, sweeping up the dog food and putting it back into the conatiner and putting it where the girls could reach it to feed the poor dog...when I was supposed to be getting read to go to the gym with him.

Since I did that, made the girls' lunches and was in the process of wiping up crumbs from the counter, he says, "well, meet you at the gym?" with this ugly fugly smiley smirk on his face.

I nearly picked him up and threw him out of the house. But it wasn't such a big deal, afterall, right, so I said--do you want crumbs cleaned off the counter? (a bitter "conversation" he's had with me before)? Same smirk, "yes"--

Well go, I said...I need to get changed anyway.

I finished the kitchen and as I sat down to the pc to just look at what had been sent, my friend calls who needs a ride home from the doc's office. So, either I go late to the gym by myself, or I don't go, like I didn't last Thursday. I'm going. Scott complained to me that the last three days he's been alone (meaning without me, since he was with the kids Saturday and with friends Sunday) for a third day, and now he's just giddy to go to the gym by himself for a couple of hours leaving me alone...where is the equity in that I ask you?

Maybe I'm just menopausal. He's beginning to bug me again. He's only been home 7 working days!!!! What will I do at the end of 2 months???? He has told a friend he may stay home SIX MONTHS!!! I nearly fainted. Bless his heart, he's a good guy most of the time, but he has no feeling of consideration for his wife, no feelings of responsibility to go make some money so we can pay the mortgage. He thinks his 60-day full pay severance will pay for everything, even through the summer. AND, he went and spent $200 on his damn computer yesterday! Plus another $100 with the kids at Wild Animal Park having a Father Daughters Day.

Just ranting. I'll be all better now. Gotta go get my friend from the doc.


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