What a Day!
I'm not going to log on to my pc tonight (at least I don't think I will). At my new job, there are at least seven bases of data from where we retrieve information about students, teachers, staff, online classes, in-class sessions, schedules of classes, work schedules of staff and student assistants, and even more.
I've been in and out of the internet and our internal net all day. I'm an hour late getting home. Yet I sit here, in a daze, thinking I'd better not go yet. I'd better just get one more thing done.
But I'm going to go home now. Really I am. I'm tired and happy that I got 5 or 6 projects accomplished today all by myself. Ok, I did have to ask a few questions, but for the most part, I at least feel that I contributed something to the department finally.
Sarah phoned me about 1/2 hour ago saying she missed me; I miss her, too. And Emily. And even Scott.
My dear late friend Karine used to post a daily version of "the Good the Bad and the Ugly." I'm going to copy from her before I sign off for the evening:
The Good: I am really enjoying the job and the people and the environment--the very short drive to work, and having a little sense of accomplishment.
The Bad: I don't know everything yet.
The Ugly: wearing pantyhose again, after 14 years of not wearing them.